Friday, June 24, 2011

Card: Rosh Hashana - Woven Star


Inspiration:  I actually found something like this a long time ago in a book of crafts and decided to try it out.  I think I made them with hearts first (for anniversary cards and I'll post some of those later since I'm making more now).  I decided to use it with stars one year to see how they would turn out.

How I Make Them:  I use an old scrapbooking die-cut and trace the star shape on the card and on blue colored paper.  I use my Xacto knife to cut out lines on my card going just beyong the edge of the shape's lines.  I cut my blue shape into strips with scissors and then weave the pieces onto the card.  The card in the photo above had lines cut on the card at a diagonal and the blue shape was cut horizontally (or maybe it was vice versa - hard to tell from the photo).  I glue down the ends.  After it dries I outline the shape with marker (silver Sharpie and blue gel pens for the one above).  In this version, I calligraphied L'Shana Tovah in Hebrew letters.  On the inside, I wrote "May your family and friends bring you many blessings in the new year!"

  • As mentioned in the previous post, cards with Stars of David can be used for any Jewish Holiday or Occasion.
  • It might be fun to try different materials for the weaving like ribbon or fabric.  Just make sure the material is sturdy enough (tissue paper would probably rip too easily).


  1. Lynda you won the birthday giveaway. I need your address in order to mail the journal. Congratulations.



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