Although Rosh Hashana isn't until the fall, this is the time of year that I start working on my cards for that season. So I'll share a few designs I've used over the past years in the hope that they inspire an idea of this year.
Inspiration: Apples and honey are a traditional snack to wish one a sweet new year. This is actually one of the first card designs I came up with when I first started making my own cards.
How I Make Them: I made a little apple template the first time and I always cut them out of a smooth red paper. I also made a template for the jar and it's lid. I try to keep the jar to a golden yellow color but switch between brown, gold and shiny silver for the lid. After gluing on the pieces, I hand-draw the word (or at least part of the word) "Honey" on the jar and add "L'Shana Tovah" which means A Good Year. On the inside I write "May your new year be sweet!"
- Sometimes I write a little rhyme instead on the inside but I can't remember the exact wording right now.
- I'm thinking about doing a card and adding the little honey dipper too.
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