Inspiration: I had purchased some tissue paper for another project and had lots leftover. I'd also been toying with the idea of stained glass and how to incorporate that into a card. I decided to cut out a Star of David shape but make it a little less typical (thus the resulting skinny star) and use the tissue paper to fill in it.
How I Make Them: I actually ended up making a template of the front of the card for this one so I could get the star shape the same (or pretty close to the same every time). I trace my star cut it out using an Xacto knife. I trim the edges with scissors to make them rounded. I choose 2-4 colors of tissue paper and cut small thin rectangles. I put some glue on the inside of the card (while it's open) around the edge of the star and then slightly overlap the tissue paper (if I need it, I add a little glue to help hold down the overlapped parts). On the version pictured above, I wrote "L'Shana Tovah" (a good year) with a silver Sharpie and then outlined it with a gel pen. Sometimes I use my calligraphy nibs and ink for this. For Rosh Hashana, I write "May you have a year filled with beautiful blessings" on the inside of the card.
- These stained glass stars also work well for Chanukah and any other Jewish occasion like a Bar or Bat Mitzvah (especially thoughtful if you match the tissue paper to the colors on the invitation), Confirmation, Pesach (Passover), Jewish Wedding, and others.
- Just like with my faux-stained glass decorations, you could also use crayon shavings trapped in wax paper (don't forget the cloth when you use the iron).
- Small silk painted pieces could be used too.
- If the star was large enough, it could be a photo-frame card.
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