Saturday, April 23, 2011

Card: Birthday - Gift

Inspiration:  Who doesn't like to get presents for their birthday?  I figured, why not make the card look like a present too.  This works especially well when the gift is a gift card tucked inside the card.
How I Make Them:  The first time I made this card, I used an already folded card to make a template.  Obviously the box part was easy.  It was coming up with the right shape for the bow that took a little more time.  I think I eventually found a card that I had received that had a nice sized and shaped bow on it and I "borrowed" it to get the shape I wanted.  Now I just use the template.  I actually cut out the top part of the card.  I made an outlined template for the bow that I cut out of one color paper and then use a different color or a patterned paper for the gift wrapping.  Occasionally I actually cut out the inside loops of the ribbon, but not very often since it isn't easy to do.  A thin strip of paper in the color of the ribbon or a thin solid colored sticker strip is used to wrap around the box (vertically) or put at diagonals on opposing corners.  I usually just cut out a little tag shaped piece from white paper and hole-punch it before gluing it on.  I write the "To:" and "From:" and add the recipient's and sender's name(s) when I'm ready to send it.  On the inside I write "Hope your birthday is filled with many wonderful gifts."
  • Besides patterned paper (the kind you usually use for scrapbook page backgrounds), I've even used real wrapping paper on these cards.
  • Depending on the patterned paper you use, this card could be used for any gift-giving ocassion: birthday, anniversary, wedding, baby shower, etc.

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